Function Prototypes In C++

 Function Prototypes In C++ 

There are mainly four types of function prototypes. Function prototype means how you can write a function or you can say the way of writing any function in a program - 

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

1 - With argument & return
2 - With argument & no return
3 - With return & no argument
4 - No reutrn & no argument

// Here I will show you a function
//  which can be represented in all prototypes

// 1 - With argument & return
int square(int num) 
    return num*num;

// 2 - With argument & no return
void square2(int num) 
    cout<<"Square Is: "<<num*num<<endl;

// 3 - With return & no argument
int square3()
    int num;
    cout<<"Enter The Number: "<<endl;
    return num*num;

// 4 - No reutrn & no argument
void square4()
    int num;
    cout<<"Enter The Number: "<<endl;
    cout<<"Square Is: "<<num*num<<endl;

void main()


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