Friend Class In C++ | Friends Class Explained By Real Life Example

 Friend Class In C++ 

What is a friend class?

A friend class is that class that is a friend of any class. BRUH... I mean that as you have a friend which has access to your every private + protected information like what you like in food, who is your gf ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚, what is your weakness but only when you declared it as a friend. So as similar to in real life, you can create friends on programming too. 
Okay now here is the official definition of friend class - 

friend class is a class that can access the private and protected members of a class in which it is declared as a friend. This is needed when we want to allow a particular class to access the private and protected members of a class.

So here I explained how a friend class explained by a real-life example - 

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//Here is a class of you where your information is stored
class You
    char gf_name[200] = "Riya";
    bool coward = true;

    int number = 998877;
    int bank_balance = 1200;

    char yourname[50] = "Xavier";
    char address[1000] = "JhumriTalaiya";

    //Definig YourFriend As your friend class
    friend class YourFriend;

//Here is your friend's class
class YourFriend
    void talking_in_public(You Your)
    //Here gf_name is private(i mean very private๐Ÿ˜‚) but YourFriend Can access this
    //and can use anywhere he want
    cout<<"You Know My Friend's GF Name Is "<<Your.gf_name<<endl;

    //Here Your bank_balance is protected . But your idiot friend can use it anywhere he want
    cout<<"You Know My Friend Is Very Rich He's Bank Balance Is Rs."<<Your.bank_balance<<endl;

int main()
    You xavier;
    YourFriend xavier_friend;
    return 0;

Output - 
You Know My Friend's GF Name Is Riya
You Know My Friend Is Very Rich He's Bank Balance Is Rs.1200


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