Destructor In C++ | Destructor Explained With Real Life Examples

 Destructor In C++

What is a Destructor ?

As you previously understood about Constructor. You know how constructor works so destructor is opposite of that - 
What are opposite in destroctor - 

- Destructor call the end of a class always
- Destructor takes no argument
- Destructor won't return anything
- To Modify a constructor you should use ~className

Other than that Destructor is same as constructor.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class myClass{
    ~ myClass()

        cout<<"I AM A DESRUCTOR"<<endl;
    void get()
        cout<<"I am a simple method"<<endl;
int main()
    myClass m1;
    return 0;

Output - 
I am a simple method

Here you can see we define destructor at starting in class but the destructor executed at last always.


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